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Passwordless: The Future of Authentication

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • How digital transformation is prompting a shift toward passwordless authentication
  • The problem with passwords as a form of authentication
  • The business benefits of passwordless
  • What passwordless authentication means
  • How passwordless enables zero trust
  • The five-step path to passwordless

The Path to Passwordless

Tech and security analysts predict enterprises will shift to passwordless authentication for users to enable modern digital transformation. This is mainly prompted by the problems that have plagued passwords: they’re costly and burdensome to manage; they cause poor user experiences; and they are easily compromised.

Passwordless authentication eliminates reliance on passwords and delivers a host of business benefits, including a better user experience, reduced IT time and costs and a stronger security posture.

The market, however, is not yet in a place where passwordless authentication is easily achievable. Modern enterprises cannot cover all of their access use cases today with a single passwordless solution. Challenges include:

  • Complex and hybrid IT environments
  • Administrative and management costs
  • Compliance regulations

In this white paper, we examine the challenges and the benefits of this shift to passwordless authentication; dig deeper into what is achievable today; and help you plot a five-step phased approach to passwordless your organization can follow to build toward a fully passwordless future.

The five-step path to passwordless:

  1. Identify passwordless use cases and enable strong authentication.
  2. Streamline and consolidate authentication workflows.
  3. Increase trust in authentication.
  4. Provide a passwordless experience.
  5. Optimize the passwordless toolset.

Download Passwordless: The Future of Authentication now and get started on your path to passwordless.