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119 results for tag Privacy:

Lab Presents: What Data Brokers Know About Users

Under California’s data privacy law, consumers can ask companies for data that has been collected about them. However, this Duo Labs research reveals how the complex web of data sharing and partnerships makes it very difficult for consumers to know who has their data, let alone what is being collected.

Labs Research, Privacy, Location Data, CCPA

Facebook Changes Developer Rules After Apps Improperly Got User Data

On the heels of yet another privacy incident where Facebook app developers received user data when they shouldn’t be, the social networking giant rolled out new terms and policies for developers.

Privacy, Software Development, Facebook

ACM Calls for Suspension of Facial Recognition Use

The Association for Computing Machinery, a venerable computing society, has called for the immediate suspension of the use of facial recognition systems until regulation is in place.


Bills Would Ban Federal Use of Facial Recognition

Legislation introduced in both the House and Senate would ban the use of facial recognition systems by federal entities.


Two Years of GDPR Changed Privacy Landscape

Two years may have passed since enforcement of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation began, but regulators are just wrapping up the first wave of investigations. Change comes slowly in the realm of data privacy, and it is still too soon to try to improve the regulation.

GDPR, Privacy