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119 results for tag Privacy:

Better Privacy Through Collaboration

Improving online privacy for users will require a mix of technical, legislative, and regulatory approaches.


Experts Worry Crypto War Two May Go the Other Way

If the US government moves to weaken strong encryption, it could have severe consequences for users around the world, experts say.

Encryption, Privacy

‘We Can’t Be Complacent’ About the Crypto Debate

The encryption debate is as old as the Internet, and Jennifer Granick warns that giving ground now could have serious long-term effects.

Encryption, Privacy

Firefox to Allow Users to Delete Telemetry Data

As CCPA goes into effect, Mozilla is making a change that will allow people to request the deletion of any telemetry data collected by Firefox.

Privacy, Firefox

Signal Working on New Private Group Feature

Signal is developing an updated private group system that provides enhanced capabilities and security for group administrators.

Encryption, Privacy