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119 results for tag Privacy:

FTC Moves to Address Pervasive Commercial Surveillance

The FTC may consider rules to address the abuses of commercial surveillance by ad tech companies and platform providers.

Privacy, FTC

Q&A: Runa Sandvik

Runa Sandvik, who provides consultation services to journalists for cybersecurity, explains the unique challenges that newsrooms face in securing their environments.

Q&a, Privacy

IRS Facial Recognition Backlash Highlights Broader Privacy Concerns

Facial recognition technology is coming under fire for privacy concerns around how biometrics data is collected, stored and used.

Facial Recognition, Privacy

EARN IT Act Revival Renews Debate Over Online Privacy

Senators discussed the controversial act during a Judiciary Committee meeting on Thursday.

Privacy, Encryption

Decipher Podcast: Jon Callas

Jon Callas, director of technology projects with EFF, talks about invasive data tracking and surveillance during the pandemic.

Podcast, Privacy