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119 results for tag Privacy:

Cloudflare Starts Security Focused Domain Registrar

The Cloudflare Registrar will offer organizations wholesale domain pricing and a number of free security and privacy tools.


Google Chrome Sign-in Change is Surprising. Is It a Deal-Breaker?

The privacy questions raised by Google's recent changes in how Chrome handles user login, but that doesn't necessarily mean the changes are nefarious.

Google, Privacy

Firefox Will Soon Block Trackers by Default

Mozilla is moving to block all web trackers by default in an upcoming release of Firefox.


Data Breach Reports Spike After GDPR

GDPR mandates organizations self-report data breaches, and in the two months since the new privacy regulation went into effect, the number of reports have surged.

Data Breaches, Privacy, GDPR

Regulation of Facial Recognition Not Likely Soon

Major tech companies and some lawmakers are pushing for rules on using facial recognition systems, but federal regulation isn't on the horizon.

Facial Recognition, Privacy