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119 results for tag Privacy:

Congress May Consider a U.S. Version of GDPR

Despite high-profile data breaches, increased scrutiny of how consumer data is used, and several hearings, there hasn’t been a lot of movement on privacy legislation out of Congress. That may change if lawmakers decide to pass the U.S. version of the European Union's data privacy law.

Government, Privacy

Wyden Proposes Severe Fines, Jail Time for Corporate Privacy Violations

Sen. Ron Wyden is circulating a draft of a bill that would punish corporate privacy violations with massive fines and potential jail time for executives.


Apple’s Cook Decries User Surveillance, Calls For U.S. Privacy Law

Apple CEO Tim Cook said the collection of user information has led to a "data industrial complex" and called for a national privacy law.

Apple, Privacy

Apple Puts Privacy and Security Out Front

Apple has launched a new privacy portal that details the company's security and privacy tools and allows users to download a copy of their personal data.

Privacy, Apple

Labs Presents: Evaluating Personal VPNs

People expect the personal VPN to hide or otherwise obscure what they are doing on the Internet. Some are better than others, but it is difficult to evaluate them on technical merits. Duo Labs provides guidelines on how to pick a personal VPN that matches your threat model.

Labs Research, Vpn, Privacy, Security