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205 results for tag Government:

EARN IT Act Casts a Long Shadow on Encrypted Services

More senators are expressing support for the EARN IT Act despite its serious threat to encrypted services and user privacy.

Encryption, Government

Commission Outlines Ways to Overhaul Federal Cybersecurity

The United States needs a top-level cybersecurity coordinator, more powers for CISA, and cybersecurity-specific committees in Congress, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission said in its long-awaited report.

Government, Federal Cybersecurity

DoJ on Criminal Marketplaces and Not Breaking the Law

Security researchers, law enforcement, and analysts lurk in criminal marketplaces and forums collecting information which may indicate a possible data breach or data theft. It’s a tricky balancing act—blending in among criminals while not engaging in criminal activity that could get them arrested.

Government, Cybercrime, Penetration Testing

Maybe FCC Will Punish Mobile Carriers That Sold Location Data

While FCC chairman Ajit Pai said at least one wireless carrier sold location data in violation of federal law, it is far from clear whether the offending entity will face any penalties.

Government, Privacy, Geolocation

For Whom the Bill Tolls: Encryption

A proposed bill by Sen. Lindsey Graham to prevent online child exploitation imagery could have a disastrous effect on end-to-end encryption.

Government, Encryption