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205 results for tag Government:

Wyden Introduces Tough New Privacy Bill

Sen. Ron Wyden has introduced a new privacy measure that would allow the FTC to assess huge fines for corporations that misuse consumer data--and mean jail time for executives who lie about their companies' policies.

Privacy, Government

California Releases Draft Rules for CCPA

CCPA becomes law on Jan. 1. The California Department of Justice has released draft rules on how businesses should make sure they don't violate the new data privacy law.

Government, Privacy, Legislation

Microsoft Identifies Targeted Attacks on Presidential Campaign, Government Officials

An attack group known as Phosphorus that is linked to the Iranian government has targeted email accounts of U.S. government officials and people associated with a presidential campaign.

Malware, Government

Complying With the California Privacy Law Could Cost $55 Billion

Companies pay attention to privacy legislation and regulations because they don't want the penalties and fines. There is also a hefty cost associated with becoming compliant in the first place.

Privacy, Government

Nevada Joins the Ranks of States With Consumer Privacy Laws

Nevada joins the list of states with legislation on the books giving residents more control over how their personal information is used.

Legislation, Government, Data Privacy