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21 results for tag Vulnerabilities:

Serious Flaws Fixed in ExpressionEngine CMS

Packet Tide has fixed a group of XSS vulnerabilities and an open HTTP redirection bug in its ExpressionEngine content management system, some of which could give an attacker admin access.


Federal VDP Program Shows Early Success

The federal government's vulnerability disclosure policy platform has taken in more than 1,300 unique valid bug reports in its first 18 months.

Government, Vulnerabilities

Critical Flaw Patched in VM2 Sandbox

A critical flaw (CVE-2023-29017) has been patched in the VM2 sandbox that runs on Node.js.


Six Flaws Fixed in libcurl 8

Version 8 of libcurl has been released, patching six vulnerabilities, including an authentication bypass.


Node.js Update Fixes High Severity Flaws

An update for the Node.js framework includes fixes for DNS rebinding and HTTP smuggling vulnerabilities.

Vulnerabilities, Javascript