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8 results for tag RSA Conference:

AI Security ‘Is a Software Problem’

Securing AI systems and LLMs seems like a daunting task, but experts say the same principles that apply to software security can be used to build safe AI systems.

AI, RSA Conference

RSA Conference 2024: What We Wish People Were Talking About

It's hard to separate the signal from the noise at the RSA Conference, so we asked a group of experts which topics they wish people were discussing more, including security metrics, applying engineering concepts to security, and more.

RSA Conference

How CISA is Preparing For the Influx of CIRCIA Reports

CIRCIA will mark a fundamental shift for CISA in the scale and scope of reported incidents that it receives from critical infrastructure entities.

CISA, RSA Conference

‘Zero Day Piled on Zero Day’

Edge devices have become the go-to targets for cybercriminals and state actors, and experts say that will continue for the foreseeable future.

Government, RSA Conference

Krebs: ‘Business Risk and Geopolitical Risk Are Intertwined’

CISA's former and current directors talked at the RSA Conference this week about challenges around inherently insecure technology and an explosion of threat actors.

RSA Conference