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119 results for tag Privacy:

Kazakhstan HTTPS Interception a ‘Dangerously Misguided Policy’

The Kazakhstan government's efforts to intercept HTTPS connections and eavesdrop on secure traffic is a dangerous policy, experts say.


Privacy Badger Starts Blocking Google Analytics

The EFF's Privacy Badger browser extension is now blocking Google Analytics through a change to detect cookie sharing.


Privacy Group Asks FTC to Investigate Zoom

EPIC, a privacy rights organization, has filed a complaint asking the FTC to look into Zoom's actions after the disclosure of several vulnerabilities in its Mac client.


Dashboard Act Would Force Companies to Tell Users What Their Data is Worth

The DASHBOARD Act, introduced in the Senate Monday, would require social media companies to tell people what the economic value of their personal data is.

Government, Privacy

Encryption, Privacy in the Internet Trends Report

This is the single most important stat in venture capitalist Mary Meeker’s massive Internet Trends report: 87 percent of Web traffic is now encrypted. Oh, and use of secure messaging apps are on the rise.

Technology, Privacy, Security