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8 results for tag Backdoors:

Researchers Detail New Backdoors Used in Barracuda ESG Attacks

Mandiant researchers said that a “limited number” of previously impacted victims remain at risk.

Barracuda, Backdoors

FIN8 Reworks Backdoor to Sidestep Detection

A financially motivated threat group is using a reworked version of its known backdoor to deploy the Noberus ransomware.

Fin8, Backdoors

Newly Discovered Backdoor Used in Lancefly APT Attacks

A "powerful" backdoor has been uncovered in highly targeted, intel-gathering APT attacks.

Apt, Backdoors

Nation-State Attackers Targeted Airline With New Backdoor

The Iran-linked threat group targeted an Asian airline in what researchers believe is an espionage cyberattack.

Backdoors, Airlines, Cyberattack

Malicious Chrome Extension, Backdoor Uncovered in Malware Campaign

A threat actor has been deploying web browser credential stealers, an undocumented backdoor and new Google Chrome malicious extension in an ongoing campaign.

Malware, Chrome Extensions, Google Chrome, Backdoors