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173 results for tag Malware:

APTs Leverage New RTF Phishing Tactic

Three APTs have been observed using RTF template injection, and researchers warn more threat groups may adopt the new tactic.

Phishing, Malware, Email

TA505 Seen Using P2P RAT in New Operations

The TA505 threat group known for using the Clop ransomware and Dridex trojan is now using a new P2P RAT.


VirusTotal Adds Collections Feature for Better Collaboration and Context

VirusTotal has added a Collections feature to enable better real-time sharing of IOCs and context around malicious files and URLs.


Ransomware Group Continually Rebrands to Slip Under Radar

Researchers warn that a ransomware group's constant rebranding and its small size has allowed for it to fly under the radar.

Ransomware, Malware, Critical Infrastructure

BazarLoader Attacks Use Compromised Software Installers

Researchers have observed the BazarLoader information stealer now being spread via compromised versions of VLC and TeamViewer packages.

Malware, Ransomware