Security news that informs and inspires


173 results for tag Malware:

ZuoRAT Malware Found Hitting Home Routers

A new piece of malware called ZuoRAT, based on the Mirai code, is hitting SOHO routers and performing DNS and HTTP hijacking.

Malware, China

‘Highly Evasive’ Malware Targets Linux Systems

A new "highly-evasive" Linux malware leverages the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) hooking functionality to hide malicious network traffic.


SVCReady Malware Emerges in Phishing Campaigns

A newly discovered malware loader is under active development and is executed via shellcode stored in a Word document.


IceApple Post-Exploitation Framework Deployed on Exchange Servers

Researchers have discovered a sophisticated post-exploitation framework being deployed on Microsoft Exchange servers to assist threat actors with credential harvesting and local reconnaissance.

Malware, Microsoft

After Microsoft Macro Malware Crackdown, Attackers Explore New Options

After Microsoft started blocking macros obtained from the internet by default, email attackers are exploring alternative techniques to distribute Emotet, Qakbot, IcedID and other payloads.

Malware, Microsoft