Security news that informs and inspires


205 results for tag Government:

FBI Uses Warrant to Remove Webshells From Compromised Exchange Servers

The FBI issued remote commands to compromised Exchange servers to remove webshells with the authority of a court order.

Government, Microsoft

Biden to Nominate Former NSA Official Easterly to Head CISA

President Biden plans to nominate Jen Easterly, a former Army officer and NSA official, to head the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Government, CISA

U.S. Senators Press Ad Exchanges on Data Privacy

Senators pressure eight digital advertising exchanges - including Twitter, Google and AT&T - to disclose who is collecting what specific user data during the real-time bidding process.

Privacy, Government, Government Agencies, Data Privacy

Requiring a VDP for Suppliers Won’t Fix Supply Chain Security

Extending the requirement for vulnerability disclosure policies from federal agencies to their suppliers is not a quick fix for supply chain security issues.

Solarwinds, Government

SolarWinds Hack Leads to Calls for Confidential Data Sharing

Confidential threat intelligence sharing could help prevent the next large-scale intrusions, tech executives say.

Solarwinds, Government