Security news that informs and inspires


56 results for tag Encryption:

Key Escrow By Any Other Name is Still Key Escrow

Ray Ozzie's Clear key escrow proposal for decrypting devices relies on a secure processor that doesn't yet exist.


‘Saying I Can’t Is Always Easier Than Saying I Won’t’

In the face of increased threats to user privacy, companies such as Apple, Google, and others have moved to encrypt more and more channels.


The Blockchain Won’t Save You

Blockchain technology has uses in security, but experts say it's not the universal answer to security problems.


New Process Needed for Disclosing Hardware Flaws

Security experts are pushing for a new process to disclose hardware vulnerabilities.


The Encryption Storm on the Horizon

The issues over encrypted data faced by Telegram in Russia and Apple in China could portend a conflict in the U.S. soon.
