Security news that informs and inspires


35 results for tag CISO:

Zero Trust and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is on every CEO's mind as they worry that not adapting to the new technology-driven world will means the business will eventually fail. How does zero trust benefit digital transformation?

CISO, Zero Trust

Dude, Where’s My Car With My Lunch?

"If it bleeds, it leads..." We have a perverse fascination with autonomous vehicles, especially when they fail, and even more so when there is a fatality.


Security Debt and the Keys to the Kingdom

Security debt is the accumulation of the patches missed, the risks accepted, and the configurations misapplied. Many enterprise security problems arise when the bill comes due.

CISO, Security

Zero + Zero + Zero = Trusted?

There is renewed interest in the zero trust security model as everyone tries to make sense out of how to get better security through "no trust." CIOs and CISOs should be looking at thinking about how this security model relates to their organizations.

CISO, Google Beyondcorp

Manage Third-Party Suppliers with Personality Tests

Every supplier and third party vendor has different behaviors, abilities and knowledge. Developing a personality profile for each supplier can help organizations decide how much effort they need to spend managing that relationship as part of an effective infosec and privacy assurance program.

Supply Chain, CISO