Security news that informs and inspires
scrambled headshot of Dennis Fisher

Dennis Fisher

Editor in Chief

Dennis Fisher is an award-winning journalist who has been covering information security and privacy since 2000.

He is one of the co-founders of Threatpost and previously wrote for TechTarget and eWeek, when magazines were still a thing that existed. Dennis enjoys finding the stories behind the headlines and digging into the motivations and thinking of both defenders and attackers. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Improper Bostonian, Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge, and most of his kids’ English papers.

Featured Articles

1182 articles by Dennis Fisher

Sudo Flaw Grants Root Privileges

A flaw in the sudo utility could allow a local user to gain root privileges if the pwfeedback option is enabled.


For Whom the Bill Tolls: Encryption

A proposed bill by Sen. Lindsey Graham to prevent online child exploitation imagery could have a disastrous effect on end-to-end encryption.

Government, Encryption

The Growing Overlap of Disinformation and Security

Disinformation campaigns and cyber operations are intersecting more and more often, as actors become more sophisticated in their use of both tactics in their operations.


Better Privacy Through Collaboration

Improving online privacy for users will require a mix of technical, legislative, and regulatory approaches.


Experts Worry Crypto War Two May Go the Other Way

If the US government moves to weaken strong encryption, it could have severe consequences for users around the world, experts say.

Encryption, Privacy